Need a last-minute gift? Give the obvious gift. Right now you can preorder The Obvious Choice for 27% off. Click here to learn more.

Pssst, and also, the book won't be out until January 14th so, if buying as a gift, here's a solution to the non-existent gift problem.

1. Preorder the book from Amazon
2. Forward your receipt to
3. Get a printable gift PDF that includes:

  • A festive design to stick inside a card or gift box.
  • A QR code linking to a secret site with the first two chapters of the book! Yipee!

Moving on, here's what's new this week.


Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:



The aim is not to avoid work. Instead, it’s to find work worth doing. How much money you make from it is one consideration. More important to some than others depending on ambition and circumstances.

If you still need to work, be thankful, even if you don’t feel like doing it most of the time. If you hate what you do, maybe find something you hate a bit less. But also know that the body is like a car battery, it charges with movement.

If you don’t need to work anymore, congratulations on winning the game. Now find a new one.

Think: what do you enjoy being bad at? Maybe start there.


"Coaching's an example of a business that kicks off a lot of cash. When done right, margins are high and expenses low. It's wonderful. But also, they're active businesses.

Too often, successful coaches get tempted by opportunities promising additional revenue streams like low-cost membership platforms, ebooks, or apps. The thought process is that active businesses won't ever make you rich. That's not true. What's actually happening is a combination of boredom from the day-to-day mundanity and an addiction to frequent sales notifications for small and often insignificant amounts of money."

An excerpt from The Obvious Choice (Preorder here)




It’s ok to be tired at the end of the day. What you don’t want to feel is exhaustion. Exhaustion isn’t the result of working harder or longer. In our modern world, it’s most often a result of switching tasks too often. Working worse. Getting distracted too often. Trying unsuccessfully to multitask.

Multitasking is a myth. You are not good at it. Nobody is good at it. You cannot do two things at once. It is a literal impossibility. The only way to successfully multi-task is if one of the things you’re doing uses automatic attention.




It’s hard to ignore a problem if you know about it. So, don’t know about it. If you’re with your family on a day off of work, for example, don’t just “check in”. Because then if you see something going on you’ll feel like you need to fix it.


The problem is that restlessness in a relationship tends to be founded on affection and agreeableness rather than passion.

”The most common ways Americans find partners these days is via websites and apps, which are a smorgasbord of sameness.” Wrote Arthur Brooks. You shouldn’t be searching for a version of yourself, but technology in dating and an algorithmatically-fuelled online life has removed serendipity and randomness from the process.

Don’t look for a partner with the same hobbies. Those will change. Instead, look for somebody who matches your character and values. Traits like cleanliness, work ethic, generosity won’t ever change. Neither will values like family, friends, and lifestyle.

A Few Good Quotes from a Great Book

“That’s like trying to stop a storm by blowing harder. Ridiculous. You can’t protect by killing.”

A blank page was nothing but potential, pointless until it was used.

From The Way of Kings: Book One of the Stormlight Archive (by Brandon Sanderson)

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Guys, I've figured it out: An ice-cold mini-can of Coke Zero at 2pm is the most perfect drink at the most perfect time.

P.S. Yog-hurt



A Solution to the Non-Existent Gift Problem

A few of you asked me about giving The Obvious Choice (my new book) as a Christmas or Hanukkah present.

Problem: It's not out yet (coming Jan 14). So… what do you actually put under the tree?

. . . Or what does the Hanukkah Fairy wrap???

A friend had a clever solution (thanks Brad), and I ran with it. Here's what you can do:

1. Preorder the book from Amazon
2. Forward your receipt to
3. Get a printable gift PDF that includes:

  • A festive design to stick inside a card or gift box.
  • A QR code linking to a secret site with the first two chapters of the book! Yipee!

Here's a sneak peek of the PDF designs:

Jonathan Goodman
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Thanks for reading. Here's a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship