Before we begin, some exciting news to share: I've become an executive producer of the Big Shot podcast, joining the president of Shopify and Founder of David's Tea. Click here for the official announcement.


Here's what's new this week.

Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:




Weird’s just another word for different. Different means that you don’t fit in. That you’re not average. That you don’t fall prey to average temptations or average bullshit. Different means that you think for yourself and don’t care whether an arbitrary group of people you're surrounded by think that you’re normal.

Different is good. People who feel different when they’re young often find out when they grow up that they were the ones who actually had it figured out back then and the rest simply hadn’t caught up yet

2.Trust transcends expertise.

It’s more important than your credentials and can be created through any combination of three factors:

  1. Community—proximity, association, or affiliation
  2. Specificity—suited uniquely
  3. Familiarity—repeated exposure

Much more detail on this in my upcoming book, The Obvious Choice. (Preorder here).




After 23 years in the gym, here's the two most important sentences I've come up with:

  1. Cardio helps you live longer.
  2. Weight training helps you live better.

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Working out is about overcoming and that has a lot to do with psychology. People just need to move and eat reasonably well. It’s really not that complicated. The problem is that our brain evolved during a very different time and is ill-suited for our current lives of luxury, ease, and abundance. It’s literally killing us and making us miserable.




If your business gives you the freedom to have breakfast and dinner with your family, have lunch with your spouse, and workout regularly, you're already a successful entrepreneur.

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A Few Good Quotes from a Great Book

"There is a rhythm to moving through the world alone. You discover what you can and cannot live without, the simple necessities and small joys that define a life. Not food, not shelter, not the basic things a body needs—those are, for her, a luxury—but the things that keep you sane. That bring you joy. That make life bearable."

"Adeline hates rules, but she knows that sometimes they are necessary."

-V.E. Schwab (from The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue)


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The more I give away, the more I get back in return. It's a paradox I struggle to explain, but one that's help true my entire life. Ans also, I still haven't cut the grass.

The Big Shot Podcast

Exciting news! I just became an executive producer of the Big Shot Podcast.

(Official announcement here)

Hosted by Harley Finkelstein and David Segal, the president of Shopify and founder of David’s Tea respectively, the podcast is an important culture project.

An archive.

A celebration of legendary jewish entrepreneurs who founded companies like the Four Seasons, produced the Broadway hit Chicago, rebuilt the Twin Towers, and are the reason why we run Terry Fox run every year.

Many of these men and women are in their 80s and 90s and whose stories would otherwise be lost forever.

I grew up middle-class Jewish.

As a result, every adult that I knew was a lawyer, doctor, dentist, accountant, or teacher.

My path towards a traditional career seemed predetermined . . .

Entrepreneurship didn't exist—at least not in my world. But something about those paths didn’t seem right to me.

So, I went to University and got my degree but then kind of just made it up as I went, writing and self-publishing my first book at 24.

For years, I felt alone.

What Big Shot is doing is helping the next generation feel less alone.

Like they belong. That there's a path already forged for them to follow.

I’ve listened to every episode since day 1. And now I’m grateful for the opportunity to to join Harley and David to continue to build this amazing archive.


P.S. You don’t have to be jewish to listen. These are some of the greatest entrepreneur stories ever told––many of them not told anywhere else . . . ever.

Not only that, many of these people have been married 50+ years and talk openly about how they’ve kept the spark alive.

P.P.S. If you’re wondering where to start, I recommend the two-part series with Issy Sharp (founder of the Four Seasons and the reason we run Terry Fox yearly). Episode one went live in June 2023.

Jonathan Goodman
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Thanks for reading. Here's a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship