Looking for a great read to start the new year? Make the obvious(ly) right choice. Preorder my next book, The Obvious Choice, for 27% off and it will be delivered on January 14th. Click here to learn more.
Moving on, here's what's new this week.
Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:
During periods of focus, two obsessions are one too many.
There’s no steady-state. You’re expanding or constricting; loosening or tightening. When we deceive ourselves into thinking we’re informed more than we are, we make decisions ungrounded in reality.
When we say “I know this,” the next thing that happens seems benign: ”because I know this, I’m going to do that”. And then it keeps going. ”Because I’m doing that, I’m surrounded by these people”. Followed by, ”because I’m surrounded by these people, I also know this”. The consequences compound.
Before long, you’re stuck on your island, surrounded by people who think like you and act like you, self-assured in your mutual delusion.
“We treat the body rigorously so that it will not be disobedient to the mind.” - Seneca
You must be very careful about to what (and to whom) you’re giving the best part of your day.
"If there were such a thing as sin, this would be it: to allow yourself to become what you are because of the experience of others." - Conversations with God
A Few Good Quotes from a Great Book
"Cards aren’t really a hallmark of childhood anymore; they’re a way for collectors to return to it."
"Conventional wisdom holds that the cigarette launched the baseball card. But one could just as easily argue that, in the United States, the baseball card launched the cigarette."
"“If you don’t collect anything or have that collector gene, then it’s hard to understand the insanity of what these guys do,”
From Mint Condition: How Baseball Cards Became an American Obsession (by Dave Jamieson)
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Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.
P.S. New party tricks
In 2024, QuickCoach.Fit welcomed 7816 new coaches.
These coaches added 51,634 new clients, who completed 756,691 plans.
Super cool how much QC continues to grow because it's an experiment . . .
We don't do ads, affiliate marketing, or other marketing methods most software companies utilize.
Because those costs get passed on to you, the user. Which is just one of the reasons why other apps out there are needlessly expensive.
Our growth is solely a result of our users loving the platform and telling their friends.
To be honest, I didn't know if it would work. But, looks like it is. A testament to the usefulness of QC and our amazing community! Super cool.
Anyway, if you're a personal trainer or nutrition coach looking for a software / app solution for your clients, please use QuickCoach.
-It's free to use.
-Slick for your clients.
-And simple for you to figure out.
We offer incredible support to help you get set up, too.
Please create your account at www.QuickCoach.Fit today, load your clients, and tell your friends and colleagues.
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach
Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship