Here's what's new this week.

Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:

319: Why Success Left Me Depressed*
320: Stop Trading Time for Money and Scale Today (Hot Seat)


The 3 Minute System for Learning Anything (3:46)


If a book is bad, stop reading it. If it’s good, read it twice. Great readers quit books they don’t like, hop around ones they do, and reread a few gems yearly.


There’s a principle in Christianity that I like, which basically says that we never own anything.

All that exists is a loan from God. Everything was God’s property before we arrived and will be returned to him after we die.

I like this because it puts better into perspective the concept of ownership. Getting more isn’t the point. Being more useful and enjoying more of what we have during our short time on this earth is the point. Which, in turn, frees us from the burden of ownership.




Working out to look good.


Working out for better brain health, improved focus, 'all-day' energy, decreased cancer risk, weight management, stress reduction, and to set the right example for the people that you love.

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Do not be passive building relationships with your neighbors. Do not let it finish with a quick chat about the weather while your kids play at the park or a sheepish smile while you rake leaves. Invite them for dinner. Throw a few extra hamburgers on the grill this Wednesday.


When you set your phone down at the table, it sends a psychological message that the people you are with are not the most important people to you right now. Flipping it upside down is not more polite. Keep it in your pocket and put it on airplane mode to take away the temptation of knowing there’s a message when you hear or feel a vibration. Or, better still, put it in your bag out of sight.

Want to share this issue of 5-Reps via text, social media, or email? Just copy and paste this link:

Currently nursing a pickleball injury. PICKLEBALL. I mean, come on. If that isn't the most "old guy who owns a business" injury you could think of, I don't know what is. Anyway, it's just a calf strain. I'll be better soon.


P.S. Nope. nope nope nope nope nope


QuickCoach - The Best App for Trainers on the Market

Been using it for my own workouts lately.

And wow. Just wow.

QC is so simple to use as a coach, and so slick to use as a client.

Clients can easily:

  • Track their progress
  • View Exercise history
  • Watch quick instructional videos
  • And more.

Most of all, I love how the app isn't bogged down with extra features nobody needs but you, as a coach, have to pay for and the client has to sift through.

QuickCoach is for trainers working both in-person and online.

If you're looking for an app to use, sign up here.

If you used QuickCoach a while ago and stopped using it, I encourage you to check it out again. It keeps getting better, slicker, and easier to use.

www.QuickCoach.Fit to register.

Psst: And we have a full workout library complete with videos and exercise descriptions coming soon 😉

Jonathan Goodman
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Thanks for reading. Here's a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship