Happy 5-Reps Friday!
Here's what's new this week.
Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:
2 Fitness Tips
How I'm progressing my new workout program.
There's three workouts:
Legs / shoulders
Chest / back
Arms / core
Each workout's repeated twice (so 6 total training sessions) before they're progressed. Exercises don't change.
Progression 1 - Increase volume (3 sets to 4 of main lifts)
Progression 2 - Increase intensity (RPE 8 to 9)
Progression 3 - Increase intensity again (RPE 9 to 9.5)
In total, it's 24 training sessions.

My workouts, loaded into QuickCoach (this is the coaches view). Slick and easy. I love it!
Here's a simple four-exercise warmup, designed for people who sit at a desk:
-Half-kneeling thoracic spine extension
-Bent over t-spine raises
-Hip adductor stretch
-Reverse lunge elbox to instep
10 reps of each. Repeat 2-3 times if necessary.
2 Business Nuggets
“There’s a cafe owner in one of our buildings that built her entire business by taking four cups of coffee to each of the neighbouring businesses every day.” Says Chris Cooper, the owner of Two Brain Business Consulting.
Why doesn’t every cafe do this?
You don’t need to own a cafe to bring people coffee either. Cooper says every local business owner should buy four coffees every morning and bring them to a neighbouring shop.
If you’re a personal trainer, you’ll fill your clientele quicker by knocking on doors up and down your street than you ever will creating content.
Seth Godin once wrote that, “You need to be famous to the small circle of people you are hoping will admire and trust you. Being famous to the family is far more efficient than being famous to everyone.”
Trust needs touch. Large audiences are inefficient for deepening relationships.
1 Quote to Consider
"There’s so much pressure these days to impress people we don’t know, that we don’t care about, and that we’ll never do business with that it’s easy to forget about all of the people we do care about and can actually do business with."
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Going to go workout. Probably tacos after. Lol. I'm joking. Obviously tacos after. Have an awesome day,
P.S. Little voices
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach
Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship