First, here's what's new this week.

Obvious Choice Podcast Episodes:

229: Ed Latimore | Following your curiosity
*If you only listen to one, make it this one.

Blog Post:



We’ve been told that incremental success in the pursuit of some faceless better future is the ideal. That we can have it all if we just be more consistent, build better habits, and work harder. That’s not true. We can’t have it all. We can’t even have very much. And so, we must be selective of what we choose to have and ruthless in eliminating anything else.



Why we start doing something is never why we continue doing that thing.

We start working out to appease our ego and continue to better our health. With love, like the flickering of a fire, it’s the light that first catches our eye, but the warmth that keeps us there. And with travel, we start because we want to learn about the world but continue because of what the world teaches us about ourselves.


We have this water dispenser at home that my kids love to play with. They get a cup and fill it to the top. Then they try to pour tiny bits of water seeing how much they can add in before it spills, which it always does of course.

The whole process is silly. An already full cup can maybe absorb a few drops but you’ll have to be careful and it’ll probably spill and make a mess anyway.

My wife and I get frustrated and toss them a towel. They clean up and we wonder why they don’t get it and keep making the same mistake.

But then one day I realized that us adults do the same thing, don’t we? We fill our cup to the brim with commitments and obligations. Then we try to add just a little bit more.

Our cups are finite. They’re already full. You can’t put more in before emptying it first. In order to add, you must first subtract.

Maybe we’re the ones who don’t get it.



There’s this cliche that says that you’ve got two choices for how to live your life:

One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

The worst thing about clichés is that they mean nothing—right up until the moment they mean everything.

A Few Good Quotes from a Great Book

"The price a customer is willing to pay, and therefore the price a company can achieve, is always a reflection of the perceived value of the product or service in the customer’s eyes."

"A lower price can prompt a consumer to forgo a purchase, because the price raises concerns about the quality."

"Two of the most powerful intangible benefits we willingly pay for every day are convenience and peace of mind."

-Hermann Simon (from Confessions of the Pricing Man: How Price Affects Everything)

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Took Calvin on a trip last week to the LegoLand theme park in Florida for four days. Just him and I. Daddy/son trip. What a joy. But also, four days at a kid's theme park makes Jon have a hard time thinking thoughts.

P.S. An honest company's mission statement


This month, I’m accepting 20 online trainers, gym owners, or fitness influencers to my advanced mentorship.

In it, we guarantee a $15k increase in 12 weeks or we work with you for free until you hit that mark.

if you’re like most people that we work with then you had some success online but you’ve kind of been winging it on the business end and you want some help scaling up, please click the link below and apply or, if you prefer, message me the word "mentor" on my personal Instagram for a chat.

I'd love to have a chat to see if the Online Trainer Mentorship is right for you.

Here's the link to apply:

Or, if you prefer, please message me on Instagram here: @itscoachgoodman

Jonathan Goodman
Coach. Author. World explorer. But mostly, Dad.
Thanks for reading. Here's a few additional ways that I may be able to help you.

Instagram: @itscoachgoodman
Podcast: The Obvious Choice
Software: QuickCoach

Book: Ignite the Fire
Course: Online Trainer Academy
Mentorship: Online Trainer Mentorship