Unsure what to charge for your personal training services? These tips will help you home in on the right rate to make money and win more clients.
Author: Brett Jarman
Brett Jarman is a coach, consultant, author and strategist specializing in self-employment. He is the author of Soul Operator: How to Be Your Own Boss and Build a Business with Purpose. Brett has been self-employed for 30 years and has established, owned and operated businesses in a range of service, manufacturing, marketing and information arenas. His work as a consultant and strategist has taken him to more than 25 countries around the world including speaking at conferences in Canada, Australia, Egypt, India, Iran, Italy, Korea, USA, Mexico, and Thailand. You can reach Brett via www.brettjarman.com.

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The Uncomfortable Truth About Getting More Personal Training Clients
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Some trainers don't understand the personal dynamic that's undermining their success when getting more personal training clients. Are you one of them?