This is how you cut through the lies, bias, and dishonesty in the fitness industry...
Author: Jonathan Fass
Jonathan Fass is currently the Private Physical Therapist and Sports Manager of His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, billionaire investor, philanthropist, and humanitarian. He is a graduate of the first Doctoral Class in the City University of New York's Physical Therapy program, and attended his Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency at the University of Delaware, one of the top-ranked physical therapy programs in the nation. Jonathan is the former co-host of "The FitCast,” and now has his own podcast, "The Strength of Evidence” which he promises will have all-new episodes soon. You can also find him at, which he also promises to update…soon. You can follow him on Twitter at and Facebook at He actually updates those. Sometimes he posts pictures of cats, too.

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