Don't give yourself the easy way out! When you commit yourself to finishing what you start, you find opportunity in the challenges.
Author: Jonathan Goodman

5-Reps Friday

All posts in "Author: Jonathan Goodman"
Needless variation is wrecking your programs!
A revealing discussion of how we compare ourselves to others, the growth that comes from making mistakes, and how to succeed on your own terms.
Learn how procrastination stalls your business, why the first step is often the most important, and how to trick your brain into allowing you to move forward.
Learn why engagement is even more important when only training online, and why honesty is always the best policy.
The skills you develop to address displeased clients will also help you find success in business and life
Learn the principles of a successful marketing campaign and how to build a brand based on your authentic self
This episode marks the seven year anniversary of Jonathan’s premiere online training program, so he celebrates the occasion by discussing how he built it from the ground up. The team covers how to avoid comparing yourself to others and what matters more than a big budget.
The gang discusses how to acquire new clients via Facebook groups. The advice is as simple as you’d expect: Ultimately, focus your energy on quality engagement.
If you’re starting your fitness career post-2020, in-person training might not be an option.