I heard you were the expert. Are you? Learn to promote personal training properly and others will know it. Use the Value Add System.
Author: Jonathan Goodman

5-Reps Friday

All posts in "Author: Jonathan Goodman"
These 3 simple personal training systems will help you build your business. They cost nothing and are easy to implement. So get your personal trainer business cards out and get ready to step it up!
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
This is a post about motivation, but not the rah rah kind....
It's been a monumental year for thePTDC. Here are the 12 best personal training articles / blog posts in Jon's arbitrary opinion. Take some time and read through these. They're all fantastic.
Exercise is pretty boring after a while. How many different ways can you teach somebody to lift, push or pull something? There are 2 creative ways to make programming more interesting.
Here's 5 oft-ignored mavens for personal trainer referrals in the neighborhood who had trust and connections and interact with a lot of people over the course of the day and can blow up your business.
Do you even know exactly what you stand for, because if you don't how the heck can anyone else?!
When I prepare for a heavy squat I close my eyes for 4 seconds, tuning everything out. Check out what happens next...