Don’t let the complainers, the chronically late, or the clients who just won’t listen ruin your day. Here’s how to handle them with smarts, so you can be happier.
Author: Tony Gentilcore

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All posts in "Author: Tony Gentilcore"
Don’t Let Your Clients Butcher These Three Exercises
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Dead bugs, bird dogs, and glute bridges are almost always done wrong. But before you can teach the right form, you have to understand why you’re doing them in the first place.
Three Ways to Write Better Training Programs
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Do your assessments make clients hate themselves? Are your workouts designed with a cookie cutter? Can your programs withstand the scrutiny of your peers? A veteran trainer explains why you need to take it easier on your clients but get tougher on yourself.
Muscle Stiffness Doesn't Always Have to Be "Bad"
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Muscle stiffness isn't necessarily bad for your client, so it's important for you to know when and where it can be a good thing.