Each week, on Sunday morning, we publish a list of the best articles published on the net from the previous week. We curate this list to save you time, providing you with only the best. The folks who choose the list have no association with the PTDC other than choosing the list to eliminate as much bias as possible.
What you will find below is the list of the best articles of the year, curated from our weekly lists. We hope that you love it.
The Top Article of the Year
How to Get Over “Feeling Like a Fraud” and Boost Your Confidence -- Jonathan Goodman
I've been interviewed on TV. I've been published in Reader's Digest, Muscle & Fitness, Shape Magazine, Self Magazine, Livestrong, and more media outlets than I can count. I've been trusted to choose "the best fitness articles of 2017" published by any fitness professional for hundreds of thousands of readers around the world (Jesus).
It doesn't matter. It doesn't make me any less of a victim.
If anything, it makes me even more susceptible to the constant thought, "When is everyone going to realize that I have no idea what I'm talking about? That I'm just a big fraud?"
Impostor syndrome affects all of us. While there's no "cure" for it, take solace in knowing it doesn't have to be cured. It's a normal habit of thought, and it probably means you're doing something right. It means you're one step ahead of where were you were yesterday, so your brain is cautiously asking, "Hang on, do I deserve this?"
Thank your brain for the worry. Let it go. And step ahead into 2018 -- both confidently and humbly.
General Health
23 Tips to Make Fitness a Miserable, Soul-Sucking Endeavor! -- Nia Shanks
How to stick to a diet or workout plan, according to science -- John Fawkes, Bayesian Bodybuilding
Find Joy In Your Practice -- Chandler Stevens, Breaking Muscle
Is Perfectionism Your Greatest Motivator or Your Biggest Enemy? -- Lisa Lewis, Girls Gone Strong
F*** exercise. Try this instead. -- Krista Scott-Dixon
Strength Training
Should Exercise Be Fun? -- Kevin Mullins
Should You Even Stretch? -- Dean Somerset, Ericcressey.com
Master The Single Leg RDL and Unilateral Hip Hinge -- Joel Seedman
The Smarter Alternative to Unstable Surface Training -- Meghan Callaway, drjohnrusin.com
Trap Bar Deadlifts are Underrated -- Greg Nuckols
Fat Loss
Your Environment Wants You To Be Fat. Use Strong ‘Anchors’ To Stay Lean & Healthy -- Justin Kompf, Healthy living, Heavy Lifting
Low Carb Dieting -- Faddy, Fool-Proof, Or Somewhere In-Between? -- Emma Storey-Gordon
Why The Pause Button Mentality Is Ruining Your Health And Fitness-- John Berardi
Are We Missing The Caloric Forest For the Trees? -- Leigh Peele
21 Nonsensical Fitness Contradictions -- Nick Tumminiello
The Undeniable Value of Finishing-- Kevin Mullins
The Success is in the Struggle -- Eric Cressey
What’s the worst they could say? -- Pete Dupuis
The Complete Guide to Developing Your First Online Fitness Product for Under $20 With or Without a Website in 16 Steps -- Jonathan Goodman