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The Top Article of the Week

Make 8 Great Exercises Even Better -- Nick Tumminello, T-Nation

"You pull the dumbbell to your chest." From the perspective of a novice trainee, there really isn't more to a dumbbell row than that. They literally do not see all the intricacies in lumbar posture, thoracic rotation, and scapular mobility that we might, as experienced fitness professionals.

The beauty of exercise is that there is no one "right" way to do it. However, there is usually an ideal way for a particular client with a particular goal to perform a particular exercise. In this week's top article, Nick Tumminello breaks down 8 common exercises and explains a better way to perform them for *most* fitness goals. Take a look and see which ones apply best to your clients.

General Health

Early Sport Specialization Is Killing The Health of Our Kids -- Greg Schaible via Dr John Rusin

How To Train If You’re Dealing with Stress, Cortisol, or Adrenal Issues -- Brooke Kalanick, Girls Gone Strong

How to Find Your Ideal Personal Training Clients -- Eric Bach

Diastasis Recti: What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know -- Adele Jones

The Dirty Truth Behind Posture, Pain & Performance -- Mat Boule via Dr John Rusin

Strength Training

Should I Lift or Should I Sprint — The Case for Power -- Cameron Josse, EliteFTS

A Better Lower Body Warm-Up: Hybrid Drills for the Win -- Tony Gentilcore

Glutes, Glutes...And More Glutes. Breaking Down Glute Bridges And Hip Thrusts -- Meghan Callaway

4 Single-Leg Exercises You Definitely Haven't Tried -- Meghan Callaway, Girls Gone Strong

5 Exercises for a bigger bench (That don't work your chest). -- Kevin Mullins


Lessons Learned From A Year Of Bulking -- Paul Thiel

Egg Whites Nutrition: High in Protein, Low in Everything Else -- Helen West, Authority Nutrition

The Top 9 Nuts to Eat for Better Health -- Dr. Ruairi Robertson, Authority Nutrition

Superfoods Aren't Real. But These Foods Are Super. -- Amy Dix


If You Get Stronger Will You Always Get Bigger? -- Tom Venuto

Build Great Glutes & Lats With Light Weight -- Lee Boyce, T-Nation

Tip: Body Part Splits vs. Push-Pull -- Eric Bach, T-Nation

What is the Best Rep Range for Muscle Strength and Size? -- Brad Schoenfeld

Tip: 5 Ways to Make Bodybuilding Better -- Christian Thibaudeau, T-Nation

Fat Loss

Does Calorie Counting Work? A Critical Look -- Alina Petre, Authority Nutrition

10 Mistakes Women Make With Diets -- Dani Shugart, T-Nation

Carb Cycling: Eat What You Want, Build Muscle and Lose Fat…What?!! -- Kyle Arsenault