The Top Article of the Week
A vast number of people spend much of their lives worrying about the opinions of others. This worry can be paralyzing. Imposter syndrome is incredibly rampant amongst coaches. Coaches often feel like frauds, or not good enough, if they don't deem themselves as successful as other coaches. They might rate their success based on their popularity on social media, their bank account, their clientele, their body composition, or many other factors. The list goes on.
In this article, Ciara McCormack talks very openly about how she dealt with people who pressured her and attempted to define how she should live in order to be ''successful.'' Ciara took a different path, and talks about how she chose to define and live her own version of success.
General Health
Are Tight Hip Muscles Limiting Your Squat? -- Zach Long
Building a Cardio Program: How to Test and Plan Your Client’s Workout -- George Kalantzis, PTDC
5 Mistakes Trainers Make When Coaching Postnatal Clients -- Jessie Mundell, Girls Gone Strong
4 Quick Fixes That Actually Work -- Dr John Rusin, T-Nation
After the Whistle Blows: Learning How To Love Life Again When It's Time To Retire From Sport -- Rachel Breton
Strength Training
The Difference Between Training for Strength and Training for Hypertrophy -- Joy Victoria, Girls Gone Strong
4 Foundations Of A Great Exercise -- Kevin Mullins
Should Your Client Be Deadlifting From the Floor? -- Dean Somerset
Three Tips for Coaching the Novice Athlete -- Brian Leriche, EliteFTS
5 Mistakes Women Make With Strength Training (And How to Correct Them) -- Nia Shanks
Fat Loss
Is The Glyemic Index Dead? --Lawrence Judd, Shredded By Science
Beginner's Nutrition: Are You Overthinking Your Diet? -- Brad Borland,
8 Tips to Reduce Food Portions Without Increasing Hunger -- Kerri-Ann Jennings, Authority Nutrition
Your Weekend Splurges are Ruining Your Weight Loss Efforts -- Dr Spencer Nadolsky
I’m Here Because of You -- Jonathan Pietrunti
5 Ways to Stop “Should”-ing All Over Yourself -- Jessi Kneeland
How To Be A Productive Boss -- Bedros Keuilian
3 Simple Keys to Superior Progress -- Max Shank
The Art Of Getting Your Shit Together -- Mike Connelly, Tony Gentilcore