The Top Article of the Week

The young trainer makes one crucial mistake:

He thinks his job is to be a science teacher.

When a client asks a question, the young trainer diligently strives to provide up an up to date analysis of the literature with 16 caveats and differing opinions. Once the trainer matures, he realizes that his job isn't to copy and paste PubMed jargon. His job is to get his clients results. Hence, he masters the art of providing clear instructions with simple explanations -- so that his clients confidently take action.

The young trainer tells his client "eat dinner anytime you want, because total calories are all that matter". He's not wrong, but he isn't right either.

The mature trainer dives deeper into his client's daily life, to learn how meal timing affects this particular person's habits. Then, he provides a clear instruction that will best help this client progress.


General Health

You Are NOT Your F*cking MRI! -- John Rusin

Activity and Cognition: Get Moving for an Afternoon Pick-Me-Up -- Kandi Stull, NASM

Don't Separate Flexibility And Mobility: You Need Both -- Chris Lofland, Breaking Muscle

CBD for Lifters -- Swede Burns, Breaking Muscle


Strength Training

How Often Should You Strength Train? -- Erica Suter, Tony Gentilcore

The Hardgainer Prescription -- Christian Thibaudeau, T Nation

How To Build A Muscular Chest -- Eric Bach

It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble? -- Zach Gallmann, Elite FTS

I'm Hurt, Now What? -- Dani LaMartina, Elite FTS


Fat Loss

There's No Realistically Prescribable Amount Of Exercise That Will By Itself Lead To Useful Weight Loss, But That Doesn't Mean You Shouldn't Exercise! -- Yoni Freedhoff

One-Rule Diets That Work Every Time -- Chris Shugart, T Nation

The only answer I know to end obesity -- Eat to Perform

How to “Eat Healthy” When You Don’t Like to Cook -- Jen Comas, Girls Gone Strong


4 Ways to Build Your Credibility And Grow Your Personal Training Business -- Ryan Ketchum

4 Ways You Can Maximize Your Time -- Timothy Sykes, Entrepreneur

Dealing With Sales Pitches -- Jessi Kneeland

3 Mind Hacks for Overcoming Your Fear of Marketing Yourself -- Melissa Dawn, Entrepreneur

Fitness Infographics Crush On Instagram. Here’s How To Make A Great One. -- Matt McLeod, Roman Fitness Systems