The Top Article of the Week
I’m Not Curing Cancer -- Bryan Krahn
As humans, we strive to do meaningful work, and to take pride in the fruits of our labor. Hence, it's natural for us to see our clients' results as "our" achievements.
But when does it go too far?
General Health
What Is Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea? (And How Can It Affect You?) -- Helen Kollias, Girls Gone Strong
The Beauty/Body Conflict -- Jessi Kneeland
Are Your Glutes Really Not Firing? -- Nick Tumminello
Strength Training
More on the dose response relationship between volume and hypertrophy -- Brad Schoenfeld
How to Keep Making Gains -- Tom MacCormick, T Nation
From Simple to Simply Awesome: 2 Cues to Improve Every Exercise -- Joe Huskey, Healthy Living, Heavy Lifting
New science on the optimal training volume: extreme training for extreme gains? -- Menno Henselmans
Fat Loss
Why Your Fat Loss Goals Suck -- Daniel Harrod
A Sustainable Approach To Gaining Muscle -- Shane Trotter
Spot Reduction is Real -- Lonnie Lowery
Shit Coaches Need to Stop Telling Their Clients -- Alycia Israel, Elite FTS
How To Rise To The Top: The Keys To Fitness Business Success -- Ryan Ketchum
Sexual Harassment in Life and in the Fitness Industry -- Carolina Belmares, Girls Gone Strong
How To Uncover Your Unique Ability As A Fitness Business Owner -- Ryan Ketchum