With the help of a good voice teacher, the author learned how to make the most of what he has as a singer, and how to help his clients get the best possible results for themselves.
5-Reps Friday
All posts in "Coaching"
Advice and affirmations that work for most clients may have the opposite effect on a recovering alcoholic or addict. Here’s what you need to understand, from someone who’s been there.
From sets and reps to post-workout protein timing, here’s what the latest science tells us about muscle hypertrophy, and how to apply it to your clients.
A doctor explains why you don’t need a medical degree to improve the health and fitness of a client with diabetes … as long as you remember the limits of your expertise.
The much-maligned weight-loss strategy may be exactly what some of your clients need. Here’s how to know if they’re ready for it, and how to help them if they are.
No matter how well your favorite training style works for you, few clients share your goals. Even fewer are ready for such advanced workouts.
Did you know the number of flavors in a meal affects how much you eat? If your client is struggling to drop the pounds, and keep them off, try these well-researched but lesser-known strategies.
Your brilliant program doesn’t stand a chance against the realities of a crowded gym. Here’s how you can change things up without compromising your client’s results.
"How do you reduce gluten in a Snickers?" Every day, clients ask trainers questions that range from naïve to misguided to flat-out bonkers. Here’s how to respond in a way that engages clients without insulting them.
When someone in your bootcamp or training group is limited by lower-back, shoulder, or knee pain, here are 15 creative ways to modify the program without compromising results.