Want to be successful? Every smart fitness coach knows these 101 personal training secrets. Don’t skip #28 on this big list. It could get you fired!
5-Reps Friday
All posts in "Coaching"
Every year, 1.4 million new Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. Exercise plays a key role in managing this disease, and a diabetic client will look to you for help.
Forget how you currently do client mobility screenings. You just need two steps, 20 seconds, and--bam--instant client mobility assessment.
The diet struggle is real. When your clients can’t seem to stick to your well-crafted meal plans, these four weight loss strategies guard against common diet saboteurs.
If your client has trouble understanding how to do an exercise correctly, this expert coach points out five surprising areas that may be holding your client back.
From bear squats to landmine squats, have you tried coaching clients with these five squat variations?
From breathing mobility, to thoracic positioning, to scapular motion, looking at a client's shoulder health and mobility is even more complex than you think.
When a client wants to deadlift, you and your cues are where it all begins. Make sure you’re not messing those up.
Muscle stiffness isn't necessarily bad for your client, so it's important for you to know when and where it can be a good thing.
Learn how to optimize your training cycle with your female clients’ own monthly cycles.