You know what clients need, but sometimes clients think they know better. Here's how you can match what your clients want with what they need.
5-Reps Friday
All posts in "Coaching"
Personal trainers need to talk about food with their clients. But to stay on the right side of the law, you have to know what you can and can't say.
Every client is different in how they learn, behave, and succeed. Make sure you use these techniques to help every one of them perform to the best of their abilities.
Maybe writing a brand new workout for each client isn't a good idea after all?
Don't settle for poor client results ...
I have a few principles that keep me from losing most of my mind
Ignore this and your client may "feel like they can't do anything to get in shape" and feel like a failure ...
I have a hard time giving myself a professional title ...
The hip hinge is essential if you don't want to snap yourself up. Here's how to train it...
If two coaches teach the same exercise to the same client, the one who cues better will have more success. Simple as that ...