"Is training for a competition just a socially acceptable way to indulge in obsessive behaviours and disordered eating habits?"
Editor Picks

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All posts in "Editor Picks"
Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Niche to Set Yourself Apart in the Fitness Industry
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Marketing to fewer people can get you more clients
The Real Reason Why People MUST Squat Differently
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There is absolutely no "one size fits all" squat position. This visual guide explains exactly why.
Planks: The Magic Sauce to Fix Hip Tightness and Increase Mobility
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It's my humble opinion that everyone should be able to do the splits ...
The Personal Trainer's Guide to Diastasis Recti
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Diastasis recti, if untreated, will force your client to train their body to rely on other muscles (e.g., the hip flexors and spinal erectors) to stabilize their pelvis because the anterior core is now useless to them.
Personal Trainers Shouldn't Periodize
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Periodization shouldn't be in a personal trainer's vocabulary. This post will end the debate.