In this episode, Jon and Amber talk about having an ego in the fitness industry and how you should start thinking about it.
Mindset & Motivation

5-Reps Friday

All posts in "Mindset & Motivation"
In this episode, Jon and Amber tackle the big impostor syndrome issue of why a client would want to work with you over another online trainer.
Not sure you have it in you to sell yourself and your training? Consider these 4 rules.
You have to be seen by people before you convince them to hire you. Follow these 3 steps.
You deserve time off—whether it’s regular “me time” or a nice vacation. Use these 8 successful tips so you can fully recharge.
He’s trained athletes and celebrities, and now helps thousands of trainers build their businesses. He faced the same apprehensions you do.
It hurts every time I say “Not now, honey, Mommy's trying to work.”
Trying to motivate clients when you’re anxious or depressed can feel exhausting.
At least 20 percent of people experience a mental health challenge. If your client is one of them, you must understand three things.
You want to help your clients—but playing therapist at every workout session is draining your energy and hurting their results.