The goal should be greatness. Screw all this acceptance stuff. Greatness is something worth shooting for.

5-Reps Friday

All posts in "Money"
Learn how to be an online personal trainer, why it's so important, and how to start a personal training business online.
In this episode, Amber and Jason discuss strategies around not only how to raise your prices, but when you should look at doing it.
COVID changed the world of personal training—and trainers who were able to adapt are being rewarded, our personal trainer salary survey found.
In this episode, Jon and Amber talk about how to be proactive so you’re less likely to get refund requests and how to handle them if they do happen.
In this episode, Jon and Amber help make pricing your coaching packages less stressful and show how to build your confidence around your pricing.
In this episode, Jon and Amber help you change the way you think about creating your coaching packages so they are easy to sell.
Learn the 3 parts to every good business plan and tips to make writing yours easier.
You have to be seen by people before you convince them to hire you. Follow these 3 steps.
Don’t confuse spending with action. Learn what you need (and don’t need) to launch your online business.