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All posts in "Money"
A System for Getting Testimonials for Personal Training
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In an industry rife with dishonestly and associated distrust, it's important for you to add in as many proof elements before making a sales proposition as possible.
Get Paid What You Deserve: How and When to Raise Your Personal Trainer Prices
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"If you were to increase your personal trainer prices right now, what would your clients think?"
Freedom Is Providing Yourself the Opportunity to Fail
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I want to help you be free so you can leave a positive imprint on the world, not so you can sip Mai Tais on the beach.
The Uncomfortable Truth About Getting More Personal Training Clients
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Some trainers don't understand the personal dynamic that's undermining their success when getting more personal training clients. Are you one of them?
Are you a New Gym Owner that can't get your Voice Heard? Think Outside the Bus
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Noise! Noise everywhere! Noise is making it impossible for your message to get heard and what's worse is that this noise is coming from unqualified or misguided individuals. Read this and get yourself heard