Even if you're training an older population, you can still intelligently program interval training into their program. Here's how.
Niche Populations
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It's win/win but they have to work together. Here's how
Selling sports training to youth athletes is especially difficult because parents are the decision makers. Here's how to do it ...
People are declining physically at a staggering rate in the Western world.
I have a hard time giving myself a professional title ...
The big three injuries seen in golfers are low back pain, golfers elbow, and general shoulder pain. Get them stronger and pain free. Read this.
Marketing to fewer people can get you more clients
Here's some quick tips to ensure that you're covering the specific needs of the athlete and his or her sport.
Their size may prevent them from doing certain exercises ...
Osteoporosis is a common indirect cause of death and one of the most common causes of poor quality of life.