Just a simple system to get a new client today because most marketing makes things much more complicated than they need to be ...
Online Training

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All posts in "Online Training"
Start up Founder Reveals The Secret To Developing Trust And Increasing Client Retention
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I don't view the World in the same insular lens as many fit pros. It's unique. In particular, the utilization of data and metrics gives me a leg up as a coach.
The Solution to Every Problem a Good Trainer Faces
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I wanted to see the World and I desired to meet a girl (smart, kind, and with legs that scream, "I squat, bro"). With my schedule that just wasn't going to happen.
Stop Making These 5 Mistakes With Your Client Intake Forms
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Want to grow your online or offline business by gathering clients through your website. These 5 mistakes could be stopping quality leads from applying OR could be setting precedents that are stopping leads from purchasing your services because you haven't been able to show value.