Weight training is simply a tool -- it's not the tool that should be blamed, but rather how you use it.
Programming for Strength Gain
5-Reps Friday
All posts in "Programming for Strength Gain"
A more structured approach toward programming from Bret Contreras
"How to Program Better, Teach Better, and Workout More Efficiently"
The deadlift is the best exercise of all time, and it's not even close. These 55 reasons explain why.
[Infographic] 101 Different reasons to exercise. Includes a free poster to download.
When a client comes and tells you that they "just want a workout" you should never just give a workout to them. Here's why...
You can't fit a square peg into a round hole... PTDC coach Karsten Jensen presents a webinar on periodization for the everyday client.
To find out as much as I could about building muscle I interviewed Brad Schoenfeld, the author of "The Max Muscle Plan".
Getting clients strong in the right way and in the right places takes some know how. Geoff tells us how proper exercise choices can take clients from zero to hero .
For some, it's a point of pride to call oneself a "strength coach" instead of a personal trainer. But what's the difference, really?