Named the top fitness pro in Washington, DC, Daniel shares his three favorite tools, how he effectively screens clients, and why he gets up at 5 a.m.

5-Reps Friday

All posts in "Self-Improvement"
Andy was diagnosed with cancer when he was 21 and the experience transformed his perspective on self-care.
You’ve got your certifications. You’ve got your clients. But you still feel inadequate. Here’s how to get over that feeling right now.
If you want to cultivate a fitness business that makes money, drop the self-help books. Instead, try these four steps to shift your mindset and kickstart your career.
A successful fitness pro shows us 7 easy strategies to transform how we read and absorb information. Follow these steps to be a smarter human and more successful personal trainer.
Most new businesses fail in their first year. These are four business secrets to not just surviving, but actually turning a profit in your first 12 months of running a fitness business.
The best fitness professionals with successful businesses follow these four major business principles that have nothing to do with quick fixes or slimy marketing.
Want to be successful? Every smart fitness coach knows these 101 personal training secrets. Don’t skip #28 on this big list. It could get you fired!
Early mornings in gym. A never-ending list of clients. The grind of constant training. Even the best personal trainers can start to feel overwhelmed and burned out. Before you get to that point, implement these five simple steps and save both your coaching career and your sanity.
Compassion for clients is a trademark of a good trainer, but we need to show compassion to ourselves to really thrive and succeed.