The willingness to discard training methods used for years with the introduction of new techniques and results-driven data that shows a superior method can be one of the most challenging yet simplest things to do

5-Reps Friday

All posts in "Self-Improvement"
This is the story of Jordan, who lost 200lbs, changed his life, and decided to devote himself to helping others make a similar change.
Instead of thinking about it as an hour lost, why not consider it an hour gained? Having a client cancel isn't fun, but here's 10 things to do during that time to make sure you take full advantage of the hour.
Here's my advice on getting the edge on the competition, and becoming an authority in our field
Do you even know exactly what you stand for, because if you don't how the heck can anyone else?!
When I prepare for a heavy squat I close my eyes for 4 seconds, tuning everything out. Check out what happens next...
Why you should become a personal trainer.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Be creative and use the floor. You can now program anywhere for anybody.
Check out this list of tips for personal trainers with advice from coaches on improving within your fitness profession.