Unsure what to charge for your personal training services? These tips will help you home in on the right rate to make money and win more clients.
Selling Training
5-Reps Friday
All posts in "Selling Training"
Dominating the gym floor is the best way for personal trainers to get more clients and be more successful. Here's how to do it.
Sales tend to be one of the biggest obstacles personal trainers face. Consider five steps that will help you land personal training clients.
Starting from scratch in a place that’s never seen newer training methods can cause friction, especially with youth coaches who have established beliefs. The trick? Don’t push. Connect.
This holiday season, give yourself the gift of a full training schedule in the new year
Attending social events can deepen your bonds with clients, expand your range of prospects, and give you valuable info that makes you a better trainer (and perhaps a better person).
Rise above the competition with this top coach’s small group programming strategies.
Ready to dominate Facebook and get more personal training clients? Here’s exactly what you need to do, step by step, for the next four weeks.
This is the story of how Kale Panoho opened a gym and, in 14 days, had signed up 205 members resulting in $202,540. All budgeting, strategy, marketing, and scripts are included.
You don't need a massive marketing budget to attract your ideal customers. You just need this simple strategy.