Andy was diagnosed with cancer when he was 21 and the experience transformed his perspective on self-care.
Tools For Success
5-Reps Friday
All posts in "Tools For Success"
In this five minute video, Dr. Greg Lehman challenge common beliefs and correct myths about biomechanics and posture using current research.
Launch a client transformation challenge to generate buzz, get leads, and make big money with this complete guide to running it successfully.
What many people describe as “mentorship” is not actually a true mentorship. THIS is what it is.
This New York trainer shares her #1 productivity tip and the tools she uses to run a successful coaching business.
“I’m so grateful sometimes I’m just… speechless.” - Terrell Baldock
From washboard abs to a gym’s sex culture, you’re turning off a lot of people and missing a huge market if you keep pitching the same thing over and over.
Is this the best commencement speech of all time?
If you want to cultivate a fitness business that makes money, drop the self-help books. Instead, try these four steps to shift your mindset and kickstart your career.
A successful fitness pro shows us 7 easy strategies to transform how we read and absorb information. Follow these steps to be a smarter human and more successful personal trainer.