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Don't ask her to stick her butt out for all to look at while doing deadlifts (and more tips like this ...)
There is absolutely no "one size fits all" squat position. This visual guide explains exactly why.
It's not the screen. It's what you do AFTER the screen ...
Here's some quick tips to ensure that you're covering the specific needs of the athlete and his or her sport.
I don't view the World in the same insular lens as many fit pros. It's unique. In particular, the utilization of data and metrics gives me a leg up as a coach.
Has there been anything in the fitness industry more hotly debated in the past 5-10 years than steady state Cardio ...
Instead of just getting a six-pack, why not get a healthier spine AND a six-pack?
It's my humble opinion that everyone should be able to do the splits ...
The pull-up might look simple but it's not ...