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Every 6 months I recognize how bad of a trainer I was 6 months ago...
Fast, intense, effective metabolic workouts are unbelievably beneficial for clients and trainers alike for a host of reasons.
Earlier in my coaching, my understanding of what "perfect" or "proper" form was, was based on the wrong premise.
The Sexy Beast, the Venus Fly Trap, the Spinal Hinge, and the Neckless all need to be fixed. Here's how.
The squat... Arguably the most important exercise but also a potentially dangerous one. Here's how to screen and fix the squat.
The whole practice of assessment leads to neuroticism -- clients concentrate on the outcome rather than the process.
Essentially, while the whole muscle confusion thing is largely nonsense there is some truth to the idea that you shouldn't be doing the exact same program for prolonged periods of time.
When the scale doesn't budge, clients get frustrated. It sucks because they're likely making progress. So what do you do? Read this.
"Sometimes this field feels more like the wild west than a reputable industry"