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Top Personal Trainer Mistakes

Every personal trainer has made mistakes. In this ever-evolving article some of the best personal trainers in the industry divulge their deepest regrets.

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30 Minutes to Train a Beauty Queen

Chris Kelly outlines how he trains beauty queens in 30 minutes and how you can apply this to all your clients hoping to attain a great physique.

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The Cost "Objection"

Dealing with the Cost "Objection" in a Personal Training Sales meeting. Why it's not really an objection but a variable that you must manipulate in order to be successful.

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Be a Door Closer and Get Rich as a Personal Trainer

Closing doors as a personal trainer will lead to more sales. Here, Jon goes over some common objections you will get to make the sale and solutions to close each door so that sales become easy.

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Why Client Injuries Will Make you Poor

Rick Kaselj (the creator or Muscle Imbalances Revealed - Upper Body) tells us why personal trainers cannot afford to have their clients injured.

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Avoid Burn Out! - True Story From a Previously Burnt Out Trainer

Finishing up out series on trainer burnout is an article from a reader, Darrel Mancini, detailing his experience burning out. It led him to take on a management position before he was ready only to also leave that job and have to build his clientele and reputation back up again.

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Avoid Burnout with the Block System for Personal Trainers

Here's the system I used to double my income while working fewer hours

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Avoid Burn Out! - Manage Your Time as a Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer burn out is all too common. Michael Torres gives some great take home points about how to manage your schedule so as to avoid burning out.

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Teach Your Female Personal Training Clients to Train Like Men

The same thing that she is cautioned against for fear of bulkiness, are in the fact the things that will give her the lean, sexy body she desires

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Handling Difficult Clients - The Quiet Assassin

The Quiet Assassin gives you no feedback at any point but works their butt off. Here's how a personal trainer should deal with this client.

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I recorded a podcast sharing the simple way I did it. Focused growth periods can be effective (with the right efforts). Enter your email below for the recording.
The goal of each 5-Reps email is to share the most industry experience per word on the web. While my articles and social media posts allow me to explore one idea, these emails will cover a wider range of topics and also feature other industry leaders.
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I read 7 books about how artificial intelligence will change coaching and recorded a podcast with the 11 skills you must have to thrive in an age of AI.

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