A few quick networking tips for personal trainers.
Genuinely helpful.
Recent Articles
My first sexual encounter was my ah-ha moment to stay in the gym. Discover your clients and learn how to re-paint the picture for them
Stop telling your client to activate their glutes. This is how you cue and this is how your clients learn.
Thinking of becoming a personal trainer? Don't make the same mistakes we did.
Do you hate training certain types of clients? Chances are they don't like training with you either. Define your brand and build your business.
How one trainer overcame his parents objections and pushed on in his quest to become the best
My desk has become famous amongst personal trainers. Find out why...
A quick system to assessing your clients when they complain of pain to decide whether you can continue training them or not.
Mike Robertson answers the question "Should we train people in pain"
Figure out the right strength exercises for runners and you can avoid injury, decrease time, and feel better.