Get under the bar, learn, and pay it forward intelligently and stop training your clients for the circus.
Genuinely helpful.
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How do I get a speaking gig at conferences? How do I get my article published on sites like T-Nation or the PTDC? These are questions I get everyday. Dean Somerset talks about how he found his niche and got himself known as one of the big boys and wants to help you get there too
Guest contributor Geoff Grivitz outlines the philosophy of creating programs no matter the goal. A must read.
My name is D. and I'm 18 year old (just last month) from Miami, Florida. For the past 5 years I have ...
Frustrated with your clients leaving? Hate making annoying phone calls to get new bodies in the gym. Connect with your clients and they'll stay. Here's how...
From Jon: This question actually came from on an article entitled Stop Hating on Formal Education. It got some great feedback ...
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Weight Training Session : exercise selection made easy is a simple to follow guideline for building a weight training session.
The Content Kathy is happy to be working out and has no main training goals. It's hard for personal trainers to deal with.
Trainers are notorious for having hectic schedules. Here's 10 habits that a busy Mom uses to juggle family and work.