To connect with your fitness blog audience, you need to speak their language. Here’s how to use the words and ideas that will get their attention.
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Follow these rules, and avoid these temptations, to have a long and prosperous fitness career.
Clients will ask you about eating plans and supplements. Do you know what you can and can’t tell them? Find out here.
Use these three strategies to improve your clients’ core stability and help them reduce or even eliminate lower-back discomfort.
From keto to HIIT to follow-along workouts, the industry ran out of original ideas ages ago. We just keep putting new twists on old methods that work. Understanding that may help give you an edge.
By catering to people who hate gyms, Planet Fitness has become one of the fastest-growing fitness franchises in the country. Here are its most successful strategies, and how you can do them better.
Don’t believe the hype about studios and specialty clubs. That market gets more crowded all the time. But others are still wide-open.
Starting from scratch in a place that’s never seen newer training methods can cause friction, especially with youth coaches who have established beliefs. The trick? Don’t push. Connect.
In the fitness industry, bariatric surgery is often viewed as a cop-out. One trainer who works with pre- and post-op clients wants to tell you why it’s not.
Here’s exactly what you need to know and do before you share your signature program with the world.