With the industry’s first high-profile incident, it’s long past time to discuss exactly where the lines are between acceptable and unacceptable actions and remarks.
Genuinely helpful.

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How one fitness pro made the transition from overweight musician to successful trainer
This sleep expert was sick of watching trainers sabotage their bodies and careers with poor sleep. So he created this guide.
If you’ve ever described yourself as “world-renowned” or “highly sought-after,” or exaggerated your links to athletes or celebrities, you really need to read this article.
Trainers who avoid using machines, and gym owners who scrap them altogether, are doing a disservice to their clients.
Fitness pros have to stop abusing the power they have over their clients. Here are better ways to serve those clients, and improve the industry in the process.
When a client freaks out over three pounds she gained overnight, or celebrates five pounds she lost for no obvious reason, use this handy guide to help make sense of it.
Do your assessments make clients hate themselves? Are your workouts designed with a cookie cutter? Can your programs withstand the scrutiny of your peers? A veteran trainer explains why you need to take it easier on your clients but get tougher on yourself.
Being busy doesn’t mean you’ve made it at work. It means your work has made you. There’s a better way to get ahead.
The smallest niche can be the most fulfilling when it’s the perfect match for your interests and skills.