Ready to dominate Facebook and get more personal training clients? Here’s exactly what you need to do, step by step, for the next four weeks.
Genuinely helpful.

Recent Articles
"I wrote 100 different workouts!" This celebrity trainer shares what it's REALLY like to create and film a successful home workout DVD.
These five popular exercises may be sabotaging a client’s success and health. Here’s why (and what to do instead).
Named the top fitness pro in Washington, DC, Daniel shares his three favorite tools, how he effectively screens clients, and why he gets up at 5 a.m.
Some of the world’s best coaches and trainers shared their favorite coaching cue. Are you using them?
Most clients swing in a way that promotes injuries. Follow this proven four-step plan to help them swing safely and effectively.
Follow the 2-step Coaching Algorithm and you’ll discover a mental framework that'll help you coach effectively and deliver better cues.
A good training program design template frees up time for you to market your services, build your your business, and work with clients.
This is the story of how Kale Panoho opened a gym and, in 14 days, had signed up 205 members resulting in $202,540. All budgeting, strategy, marketing, and scripts are included.
You don't need a massive marketing budget to attract your ideal customers. You just need this simple strategy.