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If you want to be world class, you need to build a World Class Network
Serious trainers need to be serious business-people. Here's 3 numbers you need to track and how to improve them ...
Our industry is too focused on improving one quality above all others: maximum strength.
I have a hard time giving myself a professional title ...
How to assess your clients to find the most advantageous foot position for squat safety, depth, and performance
In this free webinar PTDC coach Dean Somerset teaches all about the hip joint and why it dictates the best kind of squat and flexibility.
The 31 Strategies That a Rocket Scientist turned Facebook Advertising Consultant helped grow the Personal Trainer Development Center's Facebook Page from 19,413 fans to 176,000+ fans, and added over $500,000 in net profit in 22 months through Facebook Advertising.
Just a simple system to get a new client today because most marketing makes things much more complicated than they need to be ...
The big three injuries seen in golfers are low back pain, golfers elbow, and general shoulder pain. Get them stronger and pain free. Read this.