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Best Content of the Week
This week's video, social media post, and podcast all explore different perspectives on the topic of body image, disordered eating, and how to foster a healthy relationship with food, the scale, and your body. Sohee Lee and Ashley Holly give us raw and vulnerable personal accounts, while Alex McBrairty provides a reminder to look for progress beyond the scale.
Our top article from Adam Feit isn't related to disordered eating but does tie in to mental health as it pertains to having realistic expectations about the sacrifice it takes to become a successful strength coach.
— Esther Avant
Best Article
How to Make It Big as a Strength Coach -- Adam Feit, Elite FTS
If you want to be a great strength coach, you can start by following the 15 steps in this week's best article by Adam Feit, Precision Nutrition’s head strength and sport psychology coach. Some of them you may know, but No. 7 is a game changer.
— Shane McLean
Best Video
Eating Disorders & Mental Health: Remove the Stigma -- Sohee Lee
In this heartfelt and vulnerable video, Sohee Lee opens up about her personal experience with two important and often stigmatized topics: eating disorders and mental health. By sharing her story, she hopes to normalize admitting when you're not okay and encourage people to reach out for help if they need it.
— Esther Avant
Best Social Media Post
Posted by Alex McBrairty on Tuesday, March 2, 2021
How do we become so obsessed with the number on the scale? In this week's post, Alex McBrairty gives his take: We associate with that number with a feeling. It's a thoughtful insight and another reminder that we need to help our clients see the scale as just one tool in the toolbox, and weight as just one metric to track progress.
— Christina Abbey
Best Podcast
A Dietitian's Own Food Struggles -- Reshaunda Thornton with guest Ashley Holly, The Dietitian Against Diets
Registered dietitian Ashley Holly opens up about her struggles with disordered eating: how a "perfect diet" was ruining both her physical and mental health. She compares dieting to an abusive relationship. And she talks about her mindfulness practice and how her story helps her empathize with clients.
— Mike Howard
More Great Fitness Content
You're Allowed to Do Nothing -- Chris Cooper, Personal Care for Personal Trainers
6 Sensory System Exercises for Health and Performance -- Shane McLean, Get PPSC
Strength and Conditioning for Sprinting -- Matthew Casturo, The Movement System
Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Getting Fragile -- Samuel Spinelli
The Importance of a Training Log, Super Squats Program and More -- Nick Shaw with guest Robert Santana, Renaissance Periodization