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Welcome everybody to the Obvious Choice podcast, where today I'll be explaining some major changes coming to this show as I pursue my singular goal of becoming a truly world-class writer.

I'm putting an end to the scattered approach that's been holding me back, focusing on what truly matters to me, and yes, that unfortunately means firing Ren for what must be the fifth or sixth time.


0:00 Opening banter; Jonathan jokes about firing Rencel again

1:18 Upcoming changes to the podcast format

3:10 Focusing the podcast on shorter episodes and interviews

8:43 The "finite nature" of podcasting; Jonathan shares experience with Ben Greenfield

11:10 Story about Men's Health and content driven by advertisers

17:54 How podcasts overcomplicate health topics when simple advice often matters most

24:19 Personal quest to become a world-class writer

31:13 New content strategy across platforms

36:19 Writing process and time management

43:30 "Going pro moment" with "absurd focus"


Please dm Jon the word "mentor" at @itscoachgoodman on Instagram to learn more and begin the process of applying for the Online Trainer Mentorship


Jon's next book, The Obvious Choice, published by HarperCollins, is now available for preorder on Amazon in Hardcover, Kindle, and Audio. Please preorder your copy today.


FREE GIFT - Get a free copy of the Wealthy Fit Pro's Guide to Getting Clients and Referrals (digital and audio. Sells for $22.99 on Amazon.)

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