We scan the net, but if you'd like to submit your article for consideration, please send it to [email protected].

Note: thePTDC has published a large array of material this week concerning pre and postnatal fitness. Click here for a list of the best postnatal exercise program resources.

 The Top Article of the Week

Mike Samuels has been crushing it lately with a ton of great content for us, and now he has laid out '16-and-a-half' very easy tips so you can too. Most of these are often pushed to the side and overlooked which slows down productivity -- not good. Well what are you waiting for? Its time to get sh*t done.

Fat Loss

The 3 Biggest Myths About Fat-Burning For Active Women -- Susan Kleiner, GGS

Why we get fat: beyond calories, carbs or fat -- ANTHONY DEXMIER


General Health

Returning to Exercise After C-Section Recovery (for Trainers) -- Jessie Mundell, thePTDC.com

A Male Trainer Speaks About Post Pregnancy Workouts -- Jonathan Goodman, thePTDC.com

5 Best Exercises To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy -- Jessie Mundell, GGS

Beating the CrossFit Drug Test -- John Romano


10 Ways to Keep Building Muscle -- Andrew Heming

Functional strength gains by leg pressing? -- Chris Beardsley

How Hard Do You Need to Work Out? -- Christian Thibaudeau

Strength Training


Flexible Training Programs -- Shaun Trainor, 70s Big

The Band Kneeling Hip Thrust -- Bret Contreras

Box Squat Troubleshooting: Improve Your Raw Total -- Martijn Koevoets

Master the Kettlebell Swing -- Tony Gentilcore


"Carbohydrate tolerance: Is your ability to eat carbs determined by your genes?"-- Helen Kollias, Precision Nutrition

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): A Detailed Review -- Kris Gunnars

Cortisol: A Good Guy with a Bad Rap -- Ben Hartman

Muscle Protein Synthesis and the Anabolic Window -- Brandon Patterson