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In this episode, I discuss my unexpected bout of depression following the successful launch of my book "The Obvious Choice," revealing how the completion of a major project left me feeling empty despite its commercial success.

Through this experience, I explore the paradox of achievement and purpose, arguing that the real reward lies not in completing projects but in the transformative journey of working on them.


0:00 Jonathan Goodman introduction

0:33 Personal Reflection on Post-Book Depression

1:06 The Portuguese Fisherman Parable

5:18 The Paradox of Process vs Outcome

6:20 Reflection on Ghost-Written Books vs Personal Writing

7:52 The Obvious Choice Book Release Experience

9:35 Dealing with Unexpected Depression

11:14 Learning from the Experience & Getting Back to Work

15:53 Story About the Wealthy Oil Businessman

17:35 Retirement & Finding Purpose

19:55 "Boring Not Vacant" Concept

21:18 Critique of Living Without Projects

23:20 Story About Friend's Movie Podcast

24:34 Reflections on High School Friends' Reunion & Closing


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